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Chevron Amethyst

Chevron Amethyst also known as Dream Amethyst is known for being a powerful high frequency crystal. It is affiliated with Crown Chakra activation, deep healing, clarity, and intuition. It is a mixture of naturally occurring Amethyst and White Quartz that forms a beautiful banded V-shape.

Dimensions: The gemstone towers all vary slightly in weight and height. The height of each one is approximately 3.75 to 4.25 in height, width 1.5 inches, and weight 9.5 oz. 

Here are some tips on ways to use this crystal during meditation.

Find a comfortable location to sit. Take a few slow deep breaths, relaxing your shoulders with each exhale. Hold your Chevron Amethyst and visualize purple energy connecting your hands to the crystals.

Then, say this affirmation:

"Thank you Mother Earth for this crystal. I am rooted in love and filled with peaceful energy. I activate my power and intuition in a harmonious way."